"Over 60 Years Old Type Black Morgans"



Hello from Warner Angus Ranch Morgans! On behalf of myself, Marcella Warner Holman, my husband John Holman, sons Ethan and Eli, and the rest of our family I welcome you to take a look at our Morgans, and also take a walk back in Morgan breeding history! Our ranch began in the fall of 1884 when my great grandfather Willis B. Warner moved to the Sawlog Creek valley here in southwest Kansas. After purchasing a registered Angus bull in 1893 and turning his cow herd black, his son John purchased the first registered Morgan to come to the ranch, Ducet 9128, a solid black, double bred Winterset stallion in 1949. The advent of registered Morgan horses on the Warner Angus Ranch was due to happenchance, but as it turned out, this was a happy choice for John Warner. He had grown up riding grade horses that surely would have had Morgan blood and he always favored the black ones. His first introduction to a registered Morgan came when a neighbor told him of a black stallion to match his prized black Angus cattle. Pleased with the stallion upon inspection, John rode his new purchase, Ducet, eight miles to his home on the ranch in late 1949. The first registered mares were purchased the following spring, Bird S. Sentney and her filly at side, Annie S. Sentney, both also black. From that beginning, a tradition was born and Morgans have been an integral part of ranch operations ever since!

It is wonderful to ride across the open Kansas plains on a hard working horse that holds so much history in its breeding! Producing well-built, stout and very tough Morgans with the endurance, common sense and patience to work all day rounding up and moving cattle or riding fence, and yet still be gentle enough to give a small child a ride at the end of that long day is the breeding goal to which we are continually striving.
Though naturally anyone familiar with WAR Morgans thinks “BLACK”, visitors will note a slight deviation from that traditional color in the very recent breeding past! I had the opportunity to breed to some great mid-western Morgan bloodlines with a rich tradition of their own on working ranches so took the chance and got exactly the good quality and temperament I was expecting. However, not all in exactly the color I was hoping for! Lucky for me, with the advent of modern DNA testing, black horses can still be produced from these “off-colored” bays and chestnuts as BLACK has become a part of this ranch’s DNA!! We don’t sacrifice breeding a good quality horse for its color, but do endeavor to produce those traits in black!

I am honored to carry on this legacy of breeding Morgan horses that excel working here at the ranch and can also go out into the world and accomplish whatever task is asked of them, be it in the sport horse arena, in harness, or just for the pleasure of a relaxing ride on a beautiful horse! We welcome visitors to stop in and take a ride with us here at the ranch!

Marcella Warner Holman | 10072-120 Rd | Spearville, KS | blackdiamondangus@gmail.com

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